Vinyasa Flow

Strong intelligent flow. Warm up with sun salutations, and enjoy some thoughtfully taught, challenging asanas. Traditional asanas are taught, leading to a more flexible, strong and balanced body. Students are encouraged to listen to their bodies. This is where you can build the foundation of your practice as you are taught the fundamentals of yoga, with emphasis on correct alignment. This class moves with fluidity, linking each movement with each breath. Still emphasizing proper alignment, the student is guided toward a deeper practice, involving deeper back-bends, inversions and arm balances. It is an energizing, creative class. Suitable for all levels- modifications are always offered.

Yogalates- Zoom Only

YOGA + PILATES make the perfect balance for those who want to combine the two practices. Our instructors think up creative ways to challenge the core and the yogic spirit.

Yoga Nidra- Zoom Only

Also known as yogic sleep or sleep with awareness, Yoga Nidra is an ancient practice of guided meditation practiced while lying down. It is intended to induce a deep meditative state of consciousness, from where one consciously creates one’s healing. Deep relaxation is one of the spontaneous “side effects.” During Yoga Nidra the breath balances and becomes quiet, unconscious and conscious aspects of the mind reveal themselves, and we fall into an innate state of deep, blissful awareness. The remedy to our often exhausted, over stimulated world.

Mindful Flow- Zoom Only

Mindfulness is incorporated into movement, relaxation and breathwork to cultivate present-moment awareness in this flow class. 100% of the profits from this class will go to the Darren Memorial Foundation.

Gentle/All Levels

Work at a slower, easier pace, allowing the body more time to integrate the movement and stretch. Meditation and pranayama included in this perfectly balanced gentle class. Good for seniors, prenatal or anyone wanting a gentle class.


A unique and fresh blend of classical mat Pilates, infused with Yin poses, which provides a challenging, fun, full body workout. Class will begin with a mat Pilates practice which will focus on form and breath to strengthen and sculpt the body. Liza will then lead you into a slower Yin practice, helping increase inner awareness with longer passive holds.

Sound Healing and Meditation

In these times, now more than ever, we need the optimism and healing that may be gained with a consistent meditation practice. However, when we need this peace the most it may not be as easy to access. Sound healing is a wonderful, peaceful way to relax & restore (even for beginners to meditation). A meditative and relaxing experience where the vibrations from sound bowls, gongs and bells create a magical and nourishing environment where sound can heal. Class is set in a dim, candlelit space. Guided by Toni Chianetta, MS RYT 500, Mystical Intuitive

Stretch and Flow

This flow-style class will lead you through a balanced series of asanas (postures) to strengthen and build flexibility, promote physical stamina and a deep sense of inner calm. A wonderful class for the beginner or more advanced yogi seeking more detailed instruction of the basics. Accessible, detailed and fun flow practices. Awareness on alignment and linking breath with movement, flowing through poses and creating space in the areas where your body needs it most. This class will focus on strength, balance and flexibility while improving coordination, focus, clarity and a sense of gratitude.

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